About me

I’m Robin Bradley, a keen angler who fishes exclusively for bass from the shore with both lures and bait.

I don’t profess to be the World’s greatest bass angler, but I have had a degree of success, and have a lot of experience, having spent forty years chasing bass from the shores of Cornwall, where I live, and elsewhere. Even after all this time, I’m still learning, and constantly experimenting with new ways to enjoy this wonderful pastime.

I’m fortunate enough to have retired from my job as a Hospital Biomedical Scientist, and take every opportunity to indulge my love of bass fishing. I spend most days on the coast with my faithful retriever Archie. That’s when I’m not collecting bait, looking for new fishing places, or just enjoying the coastline, wildlife, plants, places, and history of this wonderful County.

I indulge my love of marine biology by organising and participating in juvenile bass surveys on the Fal and Helford rivers. I’m also actively involved in bass research as Science Lead for the Bass Angler’s Sportfishing Society.

As a local angler, I am a general member of the Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority, and I’m the Conservation Officer for the Cornish Federation of Sea Anglers.

The photo above (courtesy of Bryn LePoidevin) is of me fishing a stunning sunset on Guernsey.